Letter from a German High School

In 2001 the eleventh grade class of a Bavarian high school wrote us the following long letter, as part of a school project. We took this letter very seriously, as you can see from the reply, and at that time made as many copies of it as were needed so that each student would receive one. Our answer may be of interest to you:

Question: On the occasion of the topic “New Age” in religion classes, we discussed your book “Moon Time” and now have some questions regarding its contents. Already when we first leafed through your book, we were unsure of a few things.

For example, you write that everyone to whom evil befalls is to be held responsible to a degree, since he conjures it up himself through negative thoughts. This raises the question of whether this also applies to rape victims, for example. After all, we cannot understand how they should blame themselves for the crime.

Furthermore, you explain all physical ailments with mental problems. Can this be applied to all diseases? Should this be the case, does the doctor who cures the physical ailments therefore only fight the symptoms and not the actual cause? Consequently, would it be better to see a psychologist? We believe that such a theory has dangerous parallels with the methods of some dubious “cancer healers” who try to fight cancer or other diseases only by “cleansing” the psyche. However, this is highly controversial.

Moreover, we have noticed that the “mental invitation” is the same for every disease, although reformulated, namely: loneliness, lack of love, lack of self-confidence and melancholy. These factors are very generally chosen and actually apply to everyone.

Another inexplicable topic is the practice of “bloodletting”, which you describe as a health-promoting healing method. Wasn’t this medieval method only done out of ignorance? Because since then it was always considered only as the very last hope to bring about a cure (for example in the fight against the plague in the Middle Ages) and was never scientifically justified at any time. You write that bloodletting should be performed by a healer, but in your book you also give instructions on how to perform bloodletting yourself. Is one now a healer if one has read your book?

We hope that you will consider or respond to our questions and look forward to your answer.

Our answer was this:

We are glad that our work has become a topic of discussion among you. After all, it is especially aimed at young people, because you have it in your hands to give our future a better direction. Tomorrow’s environmental protection cannot do without the knowledge of the right time in harmony with a lunar calendar, and perhaps one or the other of you will one day be in a position where you can help to bring this knowledge back to life – to the benefit of us all.

Surely no one has ever told you that living according to lunar and natural rhythms was as natural in some regions until a few decades ago as using a cell phone is for you. Until the First World War almost every calendar contained moon phase and moon position in the zodiac. How this knowledge could have been forgotten so quickly? It’s got no cash value – to put it bluntly. We have described it in more detail in the book.

Now to your letter and to your questions:

First of all, if we were to respond to your letter in your writing style and spirit, you probably wouldn’t be able to do much with it. You have misquoted, taken out of context, and read the book only superficially. Nowhere a positive, not even signed with your names. We therefore want to answer to the spirit that breathes between your lines and have taken our time to do so. Let’s wander through your questions together.

Your first question:

For example, you write that everyone to whom evil befalls is himself to blame, since he himself conjures it up through negative thoughts. “Here the question arises for us whether this also applies to rape victims, for example? We can’t understand how they can blame themselves for the crime.”

We feel the same way you do. We, too, ask ourselves what guilt a small child has brought upon itself when it is born into a cruel and cold family situation in which it does not experience a spark of love – until it gives up, grows cold mentally and, as an adult, can no longer pass on any love itself. What is the guilt of a baby whose father beats it to death because it cries all night? What has it done to deserve such a fate? What guilt has a person brought upon himself who wins millions in the lottery, squanders the money, and is unhappier afterwards than ever before (this happens much more often than a wise use of the winnings)? These questions and the answer to them have moved mankind ever since it has existed.

We think that two elements should be considered if one wants to find an answer here that will bring real peace to the questioner.

First, the attempt to answer these questions without having true faith is impossible. Such an attempt would lead straight to a situation devoid of any joy, to a life of coldness and sterility and of complaining about the apparent injustice of the world – completely independent of the material circumstances in which one lives. In other words, only those who have genuine faith can find an answer to these questions that satisfies, that brings genuine peace of mind. Genuine faith is not taught anywhere; one must work for it, in spite of all the contradictions of life. Often self-proclaimed spiritual leaders and “church lords” point the wrong way and find countless followers for it. Simply because people’s longing for meaning and authenticity is so great and the offer to really satisfy this longing is so small. Hence the great opportunities of cults and sects today. They are exclusively the artificially distorted offer to a real demand of the soul. An old saying goes:

False gold exists for three reasons: First, because of people’s greed; second, because of their inability to discern; and third, because real gold actually exists.

Identifying the real gold, discovering the real faith – you gain this discernment only when you learn to love yourself. It is the best recipe against brainwashing of any kind! If you love yourself, sooner or later you can see through every person who does not love himself – and therefore automatically every other person! There are some signs for the real: Every genuine spiritual guide, every real friend will always remind you that love is the only purpose of life and that your free will is the most important tool to discover and live this love. It is only your free will that will allow you to survive the school years healthy in mind and spirit, not the promise of a materially secure future by means of a higher school degree.

In order to illuminate the second aspect, which may bring an answer to your question, a little history lesson is necessary first: At a meeting about 1300 years ago, the “spiritual leaders” of the Christian Catholic Church at that time abolished with one stroke of the pen the knowledge and teaching that every human being has a soul that always returns to earth once.

For millennia, in the course of 600 years of ancient Christianity and even today in many places, the absolute certainty prevailed and still prevails that the soul is born again and again in order to solve certain tasks in the respective “cycle” – with more or less success. And if without success – well then better luck next time! The church leaders had started from an erroneous assumption when they arbitrarily abolished this knowledge: “If we preach from now on that this cycle on earth is the only possible one, then our flocks will try all the harder to lead a God-pleasing life already now in order to enter paradise.” They wanted to banish the attitude: “This time I’ll let it all hang out, because I can make it up to you in the next life”. The church fathers were truly mistaken about human nature, because then as now the following attitude was much more common: “A godly life full of self-discipline is much too strenuous and boring for me. There I rather give up the attempt immediately and believe nothing at all. And if there is a God after all, His almighty forgiveness will absolve me when the time comes.” And they had underestimated what happens when you preach conviction instead of truth. Man’s subconscious senses the lie and gets into spiritual troubles from which the church has not recovered to this day.

The church fathers had thus abolished the knowledge that everything I send out also returns to me. What I give comes back. The good as well as the bad. The abolition was not so difficult, because then as now the sometimes considerable time delay until something “returns to me” is probably the biggest obstacle to realize that man has magnetically attracted everything that happens to him. As with the wrong diet, sometimes it takes years or decades or another lifetime before I reap what I have sown!

The fact that the Catholic Church has started to spread that we have only this one life does not make things easier. So many unbelievable lies have arisen within the various religions that no one should be surprised at the multitudes who change faiths, leave the church, or grow up without faith altogether. Such big and “believable” lies are spread that people blow themselves up and wars are waged in the name of God! This is absolutely embarrassing and absolutely primitive. Never before have there been so many opportunities to be informed, and never before have there been so many opportunities to turn into a blind fanatic.

“By their fruits ye shall know them!” Jesus has given us this simple and infallible tool. “Thou shalt not kill!” – yet today, in our “enlightened” times, people still take the right to transgress this commandment, according to the inhumane principle of “tit for tat!” How carelessly and quickly injustice is done and killed today “in the name of God”! Of course, this does not mean at all that one should passively put up with everything. Gandhi exemplified where non-violent action can lead. In today’s world, it is truly one of the most difficult challenges to negotiate with primitive, stubborn and fanatical people and to speak in such a way that something wise and reasonable comes out of it.

To summarize: Your first question can never be answered satisfactorily without genuine faith and some sense of the persistence of the soul and its return. Does anyone believe that a murdering “God warrior” simply dies and that’s it? Does he not perhaps reap something of what he has sown when he incarnates again? These are the kinds of questions we need to ask ourselves in order to understand the meaning and implications of his actions. In everyday life we use so many things without fully understanding the meaning. But if we want to go deeper and know more, we are not spared to deal with it.

This much is certain: you must find your own answers by your own efforts in the course of your life. Independent and uninfluenced answers. Even if they are answers that your immediate environment does not like, because the “normal” and “accepted” answers just look different. Never be so comfortable and just accept what you hear or read. You will be missing out on one of the greatest adventures this life has to offer. What do you think? Take your time with your own answer and listen to your personal feeling. No dogma, no matter how rigid, can help you with the answer. Not even our own attempt at an answer.

“Why does God allow so much suffering in the world?” This is one of the oldest questions of mankind. The answer of Paramahansa Yogananda, a saint of our time, has pleased us very much. It is:

“All suffering comes from misuse of free will. God has given us the ability to accept or reject free will. It is not in His will that we suffer pain; however, He does not interfere when we decide to act in a way that brings us suffering.

People do not heed the wise counsel of the saints but expect to be saved by unusual circumstances or some miracle when they are in need. The Lord can accomplish anything; but He knows that man’s love and right conduct cannot be bought with miracles.

God sent us out as His children, and as such we must return to Him. There is only one way to reunite with Him: to use His own will. No other power on earth or in heaven can do this for us. But if you call out to God from the bottom of your heart, He will send you a teacher who will lead you home from the wasteland of pain to the house of His eternal joy.

The Lord has given you free will and therefore cannot act like a dictator. Although He possesses omnipotence, He does not simply release you from your suffering if you have chosen the path of wrong action. Is it right to expect Him to relieve you of all burden when you constantly violate His laws with your thoughts and actions? Follow His principles as His Son laid them down in the Sermon on the Mount; therein lies the secret of happiness.”

There is a vast difference between opinion, assumption, presumption and conviction on the one hand and knowledge on the other. This difference is rarely emphasized nowadays, so we do it here – just as a reminder. So we do not have an answer to your first question that would satisfy you immediately. Our knowledge is that the great suffering in the world becomes explicable only if you have genuine faith – whatever the name of the religion from which you draw wisdom, inspiration and confidence. Our feeling is that the apparent injustice in the world becomes can be explained and becomes meaningful only when one takes into account that the present incarnation in a person’s life is not his only one. Without the certainty that every soul experiences justice, there is no answer to your question. Without the absolute certainty that there is free will, neither.

Your second question:

Moreover, you explain all physical ailments with psychological problems. Can this be applied to all diseases? Should this be the case, then, with the doctor who cures the physical ailments, one only fights the symptoms and not the actual cause? Consequently, would it be better to see a psychologist? We believe that such a theory has dangerous parallels with the methods of some dubious “cancer healers” who try to fight cancer or other diseases only by “cleansing” the psyche. However, this is highly controversial.

Not only acute psychological problems lead to physical suffering, but also chronic, long-lasting psychological conditions. An unloving, cold environment is reflected in everything – in the color of clothes, the course of lines and wrinkles on the face and all over the body, in hair texture, skin color, mouth and body odor, etc., etc. Good, real doctors used to have only to look at their patients for a moment, to look at their urine, their smell – and the diagnosis was complete and useful. Only the incredible arrogance of today’s physicians ignores how advanced many of our ancestors were (see “bloodletting”). Progress? Is it progress and “modern” to ruin within a few decades what worked absolutely perfectly for thousands of years? Where man intervenes, chaos ensues. Unless he learns to know nature instead of dissecting, exploiting and fighting it.

Today we know from studies that in more than half of all patients the true causes of the disease (yes, the physical ones!) are located somewhere else than diagnosed. Why? Because at university, from the very first moment, you are taught that you can take anything and everything out of context and break it down into its individual parts. Not only is compassion and true insight not taught at university, but even where it still exists, it is vigorously driven out – and this is then called “internship passed”.

Almost everywhere, only those are promoted to whom humanity, togetherness and love are alien. Why? Because those who are at the top and determine who can pass exams and move up feel threatened by humanity and sincerity. By the way, one of the main reasons why women often have little chance to make a career … They are almost always better, more efficient, more precise and more sincere than men. Men don’t like to be disturbed in their comfort …

The vast majority of today’s physicians are concerned exclusively with the treatment of symptoms. So does the pharmaceutical industry. Real research of real causes is too strenuous, brings too little money, does not lead to the Nobel Prize. Information and real prevention (not “screening”) are boring, do not bring sales. Who do you see on television? Those who lose or win fights, not the great silent heroes who prevent fights. You see the heroic firefighters, not those who prevent the fire. But don’t take our word for it, make your own experience of it.

From China comes the following saying:

Excellent doctors prevent diseases.

Mediocre doctors take care of diseases that have not yet broken out.

Normal doctors treat existing diseases.

Today we have an exact reversal of the circumstances! Who makes money from illness, what is he interested in? Modern medicine has great success with emergency medicine and treatment of certain diseases. We do not want to belittle or devalue anything about it. But we would advise you to read carefully. And then go out and have your own experience. Talk to nurses about the doctors. Keep talking until you learn truths. Always and at all times be detectives of the mind and soul and do not be taken for fools. Least of all by your own inclination to convenient answers.

Basically, as far as scientific research is not done out of pure curiosity, it is almost universally not oriented to the good of the human being, but to the question “How much money and how many medals will it bring and will mommy and the professor also think what I am doing is great?” No, it would not be better to see a psychologist for mental problems. It is only sometimes, namely when the psychologist is a real friend of humankind. Always observe carefully who gives you advice and why: what interest does he pursue with his advice? Where has it brought this person to think the way he thinks? Observe and form your own judgment. “By their fruits you shall know them.”

Do you already know this law of nature? No man can whine and complain himself healthy or to success, no problem can be solved, no disease cured by fighting a problem or disease. No man can bring about a lasting change for the better unless he can bring joy to those involved, unless he makes it clear that only decisions made out of love for people and for nature are of consequence. Action without joy and love leads to absolutely nothing. Those who constantly deal with problems always have some.

Even environmental organizations often fail to take people seriously and to promote their own power of decision. Decisions of a person, which are made by scaremongering or brainwashing of another person, have no benefit in the long run and lead to nothing of lasting value – neither for the one who decides, nor for our environment. What counts is personal experience and insight into interrelations.

You may be of the opinion that “the individual can do nothing after all”. This conviction is a nightmare that will color your whole life gray in gray and will be responsible for every single one of your present and future problems. And from which you will wake up sooner or later. Look forward to it already, because this will be one of the most beautiful days of your life!

Back to the “cause research”: Every real friend can help you to get on the track of causes of problems. And in the end, you yourself know that the true causes of physical illnesses are to be found somewhere else and that ultimately even a good healer can only help you to heal yourself. Your question is in a certain way also a small diversion. Why? Because nowadays it is a little easier than it used to be to back away from self-responsibility or to “party sick.” It’s uncomfortable to get sick and ask yourself first and foremost, “Where have I myself allowed an imbalance in my life that is now manifesting itself in illness?” instead of taking refuge in the comfortable and “normal”: “Doctor, it’s your job to cure me. I’m not interested in anything else.”

Something else comes into play: illness and various aches and pains are, in our very selfish times, for many people the only way to get a minimum of care and attention. Where is the “cause” of the illness here? Deep down you all know it very well: love and joy are the highest, best and only true medicine. The lack of love and joy sits at the root of almost every disease and disorder that can afflict the body.

Your next question:

In addition, we have noticed that the “spiritual invitation” for every disease is the same, albeit rephrased, namely: loneliness, lack of love, lack of self-confidence and melancholy. These factors are very broadly chosen and actually apply to everyone.

Hm, how multicolored the spiritual life of man is! In fact, at your suggestion, when we read the many “spiritual invitations,” we find that we ourselves have issued or are still issuing almost all of them at some time in our lives. In other words: You are absolutely right. They apply to everyone. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. But just to different degrees and with different weight. The mental invitation leads to different results. A miser burdens different organ structures than a choleric. With different consequences. Perhaps you should read a little more in our “Moon Time” – beyond your assigned homework.

As many different people there are in your environment and in your everyday experience, as many different spiritual invitations there are. Some scream into the trees and are swept away by the echo that returns. Some whisper the very same words into it and are happy to remain unscathed. They don’t realize it’s coming back in another place, at another time.

Your next question:

Another unexplained topic is bloodletting … Wasn’t this medieval method done just out of ignorance? … It was not scientifically justified at any time. You write that bloodletting should be done by a healer, but in your book you also give instructions on how to do it yourself. Is one now a healer if one has read your book?

“How little of what has happened has been written, how little of what has been written has been saved!” This was already said by the poet Goethe more than 200 years ago. We would like to sincerely ask you to read the applicable pages “Moon Time”. There is nothing there about self-administering! We try there to illuminate why this wonderful healing method could fall into disrepute and oblivion. Perhaps at this point one more thing: The way in which science and orthodox medicine nowadays deals with gentle and natural healing methods and with the knowledge of our ancestors and the knowledge of primitive peoples – this way is completely characterized by arrogance, greed for money and false pride.

No, nor does the bloodletting fall through the wide-meshed net of scientists’ judgment. They dare not investigate what must not work, because otherwise what they have so laboriously built up in a few centuries would collapse.

A properly executed bloodletting has lost none of its validity. All you need is the right time table and a doctor or healer. It is simple, costs little. Here lies hidden a reason for its disregard. You all will often come across this connection in the course of your life: What costs little and works successfully is ignored and opposed. Almost regardless of the area of the human life. Recently, scientists admitted for the first time that the side effects of correctly prescribed and dosed chemical drugs are the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.

Oh, and once again to your last question, the notes on bloodletting are for the reader to check that their doctor or alternative practitioner is performing the bloodletting correctly. Before our book was published, there was very little information in this area. Whether one is a healer after reading our book? Our book can help prevent disease, through information that was not available for a long time. Our work now and in the future is also directed at reminding people that we have the freedom to go our own ways and to avoid the madness of symptom control – not only when it comes to our health. We thank you for your letter and the opportunity to write to you. We wish you all the best and may curiosity never leave you.


On an ending note: We have not received a single answer to our letter.

Espresso with the Devil

  • Out now!
  • Thomas Poppe and his new book!

A promise: This book will help build a good future for us all.  

A warning: This book will shatter the very foundations

of hypocrisy, prejudice and racism.  

Remember: The power of words to offend (and wake up) is directly proportional to the stubbornness, with which you defend your thought patterns, prejudices and taboos, and to the degree, to which you are shackled by them.  

In other words: Only the truth sets us free.  

From the book’s press release by Penguin Random House publishers:

„Good morning, allow me to introduce myself: I am the devil, but you can call me Fred. No need to guess my name …”

With these words begins Thomas Poppes extraordinary dialogue between a traveling writer and Fred, the devil.   3 o’clock AM, we are in an airport hotel bar, somewhere in the Western USA. The devil is on the brink of being out of a job. Humanity is fast approaching self-destruction and thus would render his efforts redundant. So, he’s forced to act! He is compelled to reveal all his tricks to give humanity a last chance to resist him and his powers of seduction – thus saving the world and ultimately Fred’s mission. For his mouthpiece he has chosen a journalist and writer, whom he reveals his tricks and secrets and who is tasked with broadcasting his message.  

In this exceptionally profound and yet at all times tangible and amusingly thought-provoking dialogue Thomas Poppe tackles the great themes of life, that deeply move us all (i.e. environment, religion, nutrition, migration, racism, gender, Corona, health system, terror, hate speech in the web…). With this form of narrative self-help he has created a viable map through life’s labyrinth.   He encourages the reader to always remain curious, to think for her- and himself, to look behind the smokescreens and stage-props of life, to ask questions and to check for plausibility. He shows how to succeed in a sustainable and spiritually fulfilled life – in harmony with oneself, with one‘s fellow human beings and with nature.  

Author’s Bio   In 1991 Thomas Poppe published, together with Johanna Paungger, the runaway bestseller “Vom richtigen Zeitpunkt” (The Power of Timing) about the influences of lunar rhythms on everyday life. Numerous other books by the author duo followed, heralding a renaissance in health awareness, and providing a myriad of practical tips for everyday life. Their work saw translation in 30 languages and more than 20 million copies sold in German alone. In addition, they have developed a comprehensive calendar program that puts the insights of lunar knowledge into practice day by day. With his books Thomas Poppe gives his readers useful and effective tools to create a better world. This is no different in his new work, “Espresso with the Devil,” in which he provides deep insights into the important things in life.

Get the book here (Paperback & Kindle versions) : ESPRESSO

Covid and the Future

We have been asked to comment on the current situation in the world – thoughts which might be helpful now and in the future.

That’s not easy of course because there are as many „current situations“ as there are people in the world. All of you deal with it in your own personal way, all of you experience it in your own personal way. We simply cross our fingers for you and hope you you come through it well.

One thing though is heavy on our mind: what will come “after it’s over”? Many of us will end up with a positive learning experience at the end of the day. They will structure their everyday life differently. For that to be successful we also send out our best wishes and positive thoughts.


One „lesson“ though is becoming visible already: How fast and how thoroughly nature would heal itself from our being exploited in our relentless consumerism. Hardly a more telling signal, when you observe dolphins again in front of St.Marcus Place in Venice, isn’t it? Or you see alpine lakes filling up again, because they do not have to feed snow cannons any more. These are only symptoms and symbols, but their language is telling.


The word crisis comes from the ancient Greek and was the term for „Decision, Opportunity“. It would be really great, if we could see these trying times as an opportunity instead of reverting back to some same-old-same-old or a “state of normalcy.” That would the head-in-the-sand method of old.


For it’s the routine agendas of the past, that need changing for a long, long time now. For many centuries they let us live like a bunch of termites, who (today in a very „democratic“ process) have elected leader termites, as long as they promised that the woodshed Earth, which we are devouring at the moment, will provide nutrition and protection forever and ever.

Commonsense driven and visionary contemporaries of ours, who mumbled that „growth at any cost cannot end well have been ignored, blocked, fired, locked up, burnt at the stakes. An ancient practice. Global warming? A hoax invented by the Greens to take away our third cars.


For real, darlings, if we do not manage successfully the transition from a growth-progress to a preservation-and-care-progress, there is no difference between us and the termites devouring the woodshed until there is not a shred and morsel left – all in the firm conviction, that it will always be like that.


But if we do it right and understand the lesson of these times, the Corona was a blessing – crazy as this may sound right now. To do right for example would be not only to protect the „big ones“ from bankruptcy. These “big ones“ belonged to the termites most of the time, my friends. We have to help the small businesses to get back ontheir feet. Der small shops, the organic farmers, the many unknown and thankless helpers in your immediate neighborhoods, the people in the vicinity, the companies in the vicinity. The danger is real, that afterwards everything will be done to get big business on ist feet ASAP to ist old, destructive level. We all can help that this does not happen.

Never ever any government in the world would have succeeded in proclaiming reasonable bans without endless protests, strikes and concessions without real value for nature and our future.

Let’s grab this opportunity and start anew! Almost everybody has now time and leisure at his or her disposal to rearrange priorities and find valid answers for the question: „What are the real and valid Essentials in my life?” This question has nothing to do with egotism, on the contrary!


To shed light on certain relationships and contexts we often tell short parables, tales and anecdotes. Maybe the following does the trick.


Once upon a time there was a woman taking a stroll in a small forest. Suddenly she came upon a small greenish forest spirit. „Wow,“ the spirit cried out, „ich notice that you can see me. That’s why I grant you a wish, but make it quick!“

„Hmm“, the lady said, „can’t think of anything at the moment, just onbe thing: I always wanted to know waht the difference between heaven and hell is“.

Pooof! And the small forest spirit took her by the hand and led her to a wooden shed suddenly appearing in front of them from out of nowhere. They went inside and through the first door on the right.


A strange scene unfolded in fron of them: Many people sat on chairs around a gigantic wooden table. They tried to eat from a magnificent foof bowl right in the center of the table. But it was not possible. For the very long spoon with which they reached into the bowl was firmly tied to their hands. Thus they couldn’t direct the spoon to their mouths. They appeared desperate ausschließlich if almost starving.

„That’s hell“, said the forest spirit. And took the woman’s hand and led her to the next room in the house.


An lo! the exact identical scene unfolded in front of her eyes. A huge table, people who tried to fish the delicacies from the far away bowl in the center of the table. Only that the general atmosphere was one of good cher, merriment and laughter and the telling of hilarious stories – and feeding each other without any problems.

„That’s heaven,” the forest spirit said.


There is no crisis which is not an opportunity at the same time. This crisis though is a little different from most previous ones. It is probably our last chance bestowed on us to turn this planet of ours into the paradise it is meant to be.


Maybe we are accused now of naiveté. But that much is very certain. Naive to the highest degree is to think once this is over we can carry on just as before.


But certain is also this: This chance and opportunity is REAL! We still could travel onwards into a good future for us all. Let’s get to it!

The real has a future!



Johanna Paungger-Poppe & Thomas Poppe


News from the Real World

One of the keys to human behavior is the attention-factor.

Anyone can verify that many instances, generally supposed to be important or useful human transactions on any subject (social, commercial, etc.,) are in fact disguised attention-situations.

It is contended that if a person does not know what he is doing (in this case that he is basically demanding, extending or exchanging attention) and as a consequence thinks that he is doing something else (contributing to human knowledge, learning, buying, selling, informing, etc.,) he will:

(a) be more inefficient at both the overt and the covert activity;

(b) have less capacity of planning his behavior and will make mistakes of emotion and intellect because he considers attention to be other than it is.

If this is true, it is most important that individuals realize:

That this attention-factor is operating in virtually all transactions;

That the apparent motivation of transactions may be other than it really is. And that it is often generated by the need or desire for attention-activity (giving, receiving, exchanging).

That attention-activity, like any other demand for food, warmth, etc., when placed under volitional control, must result in increased scope for the human being who would then not be at the mercy of random sources of attention, or even more confused than usual if things do not pan out as they expect.



Too much attention can be bad, (inefficient).

Too little attention can be bad.

Attention may be ‘hostile’ or ‘friendly’ and still fulfil the appetite for attention. This is confused by the moral aspect.

When people need a great deal of attention they are vulnerable to the message which too often accompanies the exercise of attention towards them. E.g., someone wanting attention might be able to get it only from some person or organization which might thereafter exercise (as ‘its price’) an undue influence upon the attention-starved individual’s mind.

Present beliefs have often been inculcated at a time and under circumstances connected with attention-demand, and not arrived at by the method attributed to them.

Many paradoxical reversals of opinion, or of associates and commitments may be seen as due to the change in a source of attention.

People are almost always stimulated by an offer of attention, since most people are frequently attention-deprived. This is one reason why new friends, or circumstances, for instance, may be preferred to old ones.

If people could learn to assuage attention-hunger, they would be in a better position than most present cultures allow them, to attend to other things. They could extend the effectiveness of their learning capacity.

Among the things which unstarved people (in the sense of attention) could investigate, is the comparative attraction of ideas, individuals, etc., apart from their purely attention-supplying function.


The desire for attention starts at an early stage of infancy. It is, of course, at that point linked with feeding and protection. This is not to say that this desire has no further nor future development value. But it can be adapted beyond its ordinary adult usage of mere satisfaction.


Even a cursory survey of human communities shows that, while the random eating tendency, possessiveness and other undifferentiated characteristics are very early trained or diverted (weaned) the attention-factor does not get the same treatment. The consequence is that the adult human being, deprived of any method of handling his desire for attention, continues to be confused by it: as it usually remains primitive throughout life.


Very numerous individual observations of human transactions have been made. They show that an interchange between two people always has an attention-factor.


Observation shows that people’s desires for attention ebb and flow. When in an ebb or flow of attention-desire, the human being not realizing that this is his condition, attributes his actions and feelings to other factors, e.g., the hostility or pleasantness of others. He may even say that it is a ‘lucky day’, when his attention needs have been quickly and adequately met. Re-examination of such situations has shown that such experiences are best accounted for by the attention-theory.


Objections based upon the supposed pleasure of attention being strongest when it is randomly achieved do not stand up when carefully examined. ‘I prefer to be surprised by attention’ can be paraphrased by saying, ‘I prefer not to know where my next meal is coming from’. It simply underlines a primitive stage of feeling and thinking on this subject.


Situations which seem different when viewed from an oversimplified perspective (which is the usual one) are seen to be the same by the application of attention-theory. e.g.: People following an authority-figure may be exercising the desire for attention or the desire to give it. The interchange between people and their authority-figure may be explained by mutual-attention behavior. Some gain only attention from this interchange. Some can gain more.


Another confusion is caused by the fact that the object of attention may be a person, a cult, an object, an idea, interest, etc. Because the foci of attention can be so diverse, people in general have not yet identified the common factor – the desire for attention.


One of the advantages of this theory is that it allows the human mind to link in a coherent and easily-understood way many things which it has always (wrongly) been taught are very different, not susceptible to comparison, etc. This incorrect training has, of course, impaired the possible efficiency in functioning of the brain, though only culturally, not permanently.


The inability to feel when attention is extended, and also to encourage or to prevent its being called forth, makes man almost uniquely vulnerable to being influenced, especially in having ideas implanted in his brain, and being indoctrinated.


Raising the emotional pitch is the most primitive method of increasing attention towards the instrument which increased the emotion. It is the prelude to, or accompaniment of, almost every form of indoctrination.


Traditional philosophical and other teachings have been used to prescribe exercises in the control and focusing of attention. Their value, however, has been to a great measure lost because the individual exercises, prescribed for people in need of exercise, have been written down and repeated as unique truths and practiced in a manner, with people and at a rate and under circumstances which, by their very randomness, have not been able to effect any change in the attention-training. This treatment has, however, produced obsession. It continues to do so.


Here and there proverbs and other pieces of literary material indicate that there has been at one time a widespread knowledge of attention on the lines now being described. Deprived, however, of context, these indications survive as fossil indicators rather than being a useful guide to attention-exercise for contemporary man.

Attention upon oneself, or upon a teacher, without the exercise of securing what is being offered from beyond the immediate surroundings, is a sort of short-circuit. As it has been said: ‘Do not look at me, but take what is in my hand’.

(Source: Will be mailed to you upon request. Ask at  aon.912564488@aon.at)

The Beginning of a New Day (or: What the REAL problem is with the Trumps of this world)

The master once asked his disciples, how exactly the end of the night can be discerned from the beginning of the day.

One answered: “When you see an animal in the distance and recognize it as a cow or a horse.”

“No,” said the master.

“When you identify a tree in the distance as a cherry tree or a beech tree”.

“Wrong again”, said the master.

“When you can differentiate between a hawk or a crow flying above.”

“That too is not the correct answer”, said the teacher.

“What is it then?” asked the disciples.

“When you look into the face of a man and recognize your brother in it. When you look into the face of a woman and recognize your sister in it. Whoever is not capable of that – for him it is night, regardless of where the sun is at that time.”

A Guru Answers

Asked about the topic of racial prejudice an Indian Guru answered: “It makes God sad, if He is insulted just because He is wearing His black, yellow or red suit…”


Read. Feel. Copy. Paste. Send.

An old cowboy was riding his trusty horse followed by his faithful dog along an unfamiliar road.  The cowboy was enjoying the new scenery, when he suddenly remembered dying, and realized the dog beside him had been dead for years, as had his horse.  Confused, he wondered what was happening, and where the trail was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall that looked like fine marble.  At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch topped by a golden letter “H” that glowed in the sunlight.  Standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like gold.

He rode toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.  Parched and tired out by his journey, he called out;

‘Excuse me, where are we?’

‘This is Heaven, sir,’ the man answered.

‘Wow! Would you happen to have some water?’ the man asked.

‘Of course, sir.  Come right in, and I’ll have some ice water brought right up.’

As the gate began to open, the cowboy asked  ‘Can I bring my partners, too?’

‘I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t accept pets.’

The cowboy thought for a moment, then turned back to the road and continued riding, his dog trotting by his side.

After another long ride, at the top of another hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a ranch gate that looked as if it had never been closed.  As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

‘Excuse me,’ he called to the man.  ‘Do you have any water?’

‘Sure, there’s a pump right over there.  Help yourself.’

‘How about my friends here?’ the traveler gestured to the dog and his horse.

‘Of course!  They look thirsty, too,’ said the man.

The trio went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with buckets beside it.  The traveler filled a cup and the buckets with wonderfully cool water and took a long drink, as did his horse and dog.

When they were full, he walked back to the man who was still standing by the tree;

‘What do you call this place?’ the traveler asked.

‘This is Heaven,’ he answered.

‘That’s confusing,’ the traveler said.  ‘The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.’

‘Oh, you mean the place with the glitzy, gold street and fake pearly gates?  That’s hell.’

‘Doesn’t it make you angry when they use your name like that?’

‘Not at all.  Actually, we’re happy they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind…’


How to Invite the Common Cold

How? By becoming cold. Recently I had a cold, you know, one of them. Nasty, sneeze and sniffle, sniffle and sneeze, burden on the family because of bouts of grumpiness, foggy head, just the right mixture to justify a break from writing and working.

Nothing surprising – except for the fact that it was my first in 15 years (Johanna said: “I remember exactly, because a taxi had to pick me up from the airport instead of you!”). That made me think: Why is it that statistically every adult suffers from the common cold three times yearly, children even up to six or seven times per year? What an incredible waste of quality of life, resources, general well-being and simple joy of life!

And the medical profession? What’s their take? Well, for the Common Cold they still prescribe pills etc. burdened with side-effects and long-term damage to the body. Some even commit the superblunder of prescribing antibiotics! That is equivalent to expatriating the entire garbage disposal personnel of a large city, because the mayor saw three rats crossing his path on the way to the office. Helloooo! Antibiotics kill only bacteria, but not viruses – the agent germs of a common cold.

So I thought some of you may want to learn the secret of how to escape the common cold, in some lucky cases until the rest of your days. Here it is, in as few words as possible:

  1. Influenza and Common Cold – NOT two sides of the same coin. Those two things have almost nothing in common. To have the sniffles and tell the teacher or supervisor that you stay at home because of the “flu” is like having a pimple on your arm and complaining that your arm has fallen off. Coming down with real influenza is something that stops you in your tracks, ties you to your bed, sometimes for two weeks, gives you high fever and is dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening for people with preexisting chronic conditions. The common cold on the other hand is experienced in greatly varying degrees – from pulling out a handkerchief every now and then to feeling wretched overall and not wanting to move a muscle. To prescribe stronger drugs against it let alone prescribe antibiotics is close to committing a crime. That should be labeled as what it is – medical malpractice. With dire consequences for all of us when you think about the growing number of antibiotics-resistant germs. 
  1. You never “Catch” a Common Cold. You can get sneezed into your face every day on your way to work in the subway and not “catch” it. It is not infectious in the normal sense of the word. The myth that a cold is “caused” by germs has taken hold to such a degree that you can see parents letting their kids go to school in T-shirts at chilling 45° F outside. Or you see babies in their strollers with no caps and naked feet at the same temperatures.

Approved quacks even tell parents that dress type and keeping warm cannot prevent a cold. Look around, the art of dressing adapted to the weather has been almost completely lost. Funny, but no one stops to ask just why this illness is called “Cold”. Nobody rings up the teacher telling her that the son has come down with “Germ”. In a word: To say that a cold is caused by viruses is just as intelligent as saying that electricity is caused by that “plug-in-the-wall over there”.

  1. A cold is almost always “by invitation only”. If you catch a cold it is not because you “caught” it. You have invited it. And that is the really good news: To find out exactly how you extended that invitation puts you in charge! You decide if you want to run that risk or not.

Following is a list of the most common invitations to a cold. With each of these you say in effect: Please come in and make me miserable for seven days! And each of these are in your responsibility. You can stop it.

 First Invitation: The physical cooling down of certain key areas of the body:

The soles of the feet.

The kidney area.

The chest and the area opposite your chest on the back.

The neck area.

The top of the head.

 If these areas are kept between temperate to warm at all times, you have eliminated 80 % of all cold causes. This goes especially for babies and children. On a side note: The runny nose of many children is almost always due to an allergy to dairy products.

Second Invitation: Draft. Blow gently on top of your hand now. Then wet it a little with saliva and blow again, very gently. That is an example for draft and its cooling effect. Sweat a little on your neck, sit near an open window – and then rant about a stiff neck the next day or about a cold.

Third Invitation: Weakening your immune system. Any old way will do. Examples: Too many sweets. Dairy products in general. Eating after 7 PM. Too little sleep.

Fourth Invitation: “Cold” thoughts. Feeling lonely, desperate, rejected, etc. are conducive to colds, among other things. If these feelings entrench themselves and become chronic (depression, etc.) they act as invitation to more severe ailments.

Now you are back in charge. You can invite the Common Cold now much more successfully. Or do the contrary. Good luck!

Enemy, thy name be Dandelion!

So you fell for THEM and their brainwashing machine. And learned to say NO to this abominable weed defiling your meticulously kept lawn.

Well, you are of course aware and agree to the NO which follows from it.

The NO to all the living beings profiting from dandelion’s existence.

NO to the bees who depend on them for their nourishment.

NO to their honey.

NO to their invaluable work of pollinating our plants, our crops, our very life subsistence.

You say NO to all the animals thriving on the dandelion’s existence. Most of all the earthworm, valuable for us humans beyond imagination.  No fertile soil without these magical creatures. YOU say NO to them. Imagine that!

You wholeheartedly say NO to the dandelion?

NO to its manifold medicinal qualities, which make it one of the most powerful healing herbs there are (right up there with daisies, nettles, etc.) .

NO to eating three dandelion stalks daily (no more!) which would protect your liver.

NO to the delicious healing honey, that can be homemade from its flowers.

NO to the leaves which make a delicious salad (to be had in the five star restaurants of Switzerland, even today…) with more Vitamin C, minerals and precious trace elements than any product from market or pharmacy. NO to the roots which can be turned into a powerful detox elixir.

You scream NO! to the dandelion. And the list of life-giving aspects of this plant is by no means complete.

In essence you say NO to life itself when fighting, spraying, killing a dandelion.

Bowing down to it, you can hear it whisper: “Who among you dummies dared to call me weed? It doesn’t really matter because I will to continue to provide until you wake up.”

The Tale of the Tenth Farmer

The “Tale of the Tenth Farmer” has been written one night in reply to a letter to us containing a question on the topic of ‘The State of Modern Agriculture’.  I know, it’s a little longish, but maybe you print it and read it in front of the fireplace until you fall asleep.

Once upon a time, less than a thousand miles from here, there lived a farmer who was widely known for treading his very own and distinctive path. Blessed with special abilities, the gift of farsightedness and in-depth perception, he could see all things ‘together’ as it were – summer and winter; wet fields and dry steppes; rich harvests and lean years; useful plants and pests. Behind all the opposites and contradictions he recognized the unity, the connecting force, the hidden meaning behind what was apparently meaningless. That every night had a dawn was a familiar reality to him.

His actions were imbued with a deep love for everything that was alive and grew, that breathed and ripened. ‘Nature’ was another word for him for ‘God’s gifts’. He always interpreted the words ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it’ as a call for togetherness and gratefulness, not an instruction to conquer and exploit man and nature.

He was proud that he was able to live his life as a farmer, and this too he experienced as a kind of gift, an almost undeserved privilege, despite of all the hard work. His deep humility and unobtrusive friendliness in daily life bore witness to his feeling that fate had treated him favorably. He was a calm island in a troubled sea, a sea that waited anxiously whether the storm on the horizon was going to pass without harm – or not. He was at peace with himself.

He was inspired by a limitless curiosity for all things between heaven and earth, a curiosity that is innate in all of us if only we give it space to unfold. ‘A hundred years from now we’ll have enough time to sleep’, he kept saying to his family, if they looked at him yet again with wide eyes because he wanted to try out something new – a special breed, a new technique, a new application of ancient knowledge.

Some people who didn’t know him very well found him a little eerie, for he clearly could see the future in many respects. Most of all he could sense the truth behind the appearance, the real behind the facade  he could recognize the truth behind the lies and the propaganda. He himself found this ability a bit of a mystery, for it revealed itself almost always as a quiet voice in his left ear. This quiet voice interpreted for the ‘Tenth Farmer’ (as we are going to call him) directly and in simple words what the person addressing him really wanted to say. ‘My little interpreter friend’ he called this voice when talking to it.  It also made him feel that he could see the invisible threads that other people were attached to when they spread lies or when, directed by invisible clients or rulers, they gave speeches. If the respective person he was listening to was sincere then the interpreter was silent, or he murmured quietly ‘That’s really beautiful.’ Yet if the farmer had to listen to lies or irrational babbling, the voice immediately helped him to understand what he had heard. Sometimes that turned out to be very funny, because the little friend in his ear started babbling at once, for example when somebody started a sentence with ‘You are right, but…’Without fail the voice would murmur immediately, ‘He means NO.’

Many times the interpreter friend saddened the farmer, because of the fact that he was told the motives of the person he was dealing with – hidden behind the nice words. He couldn’t go to the butcher’s, who greeted him with a friendly ‘Good morning? How are you today?’ without the interpreter immediately offering help in understanding. ‘He said: Hopefully this tightwad buys a bit more today than usual…’ Sometimes the farmer wished that the friend in his ear would treat himself to a holiday. Yet the interpreter remained his fate and a loyal companion upon whom he could rely at all times.

Our short tale starts on the day when the Ten Farmers of the Big Valley gathered in the village pub, to accept the invitation of a traveling salesman to listen to his talk. Our friend, the Tenth Farmer, came too, to hear about what was new in the world. The stranger with a sleek city look introduced himself as THE SALESMAN and told them that he had come to proclaim the dawn of a blessed ‘New Era’ and to lend a helping hand to the farmers of this dreamy almost forgotten corner of the world, so that the farming community too could join in the general progress of mankind.

He stood up in front of the farmers, beside a table on which there was the only accessory that he had apparently brought with him – a jet-black shiny top hat turned up side down.

Hints of curiosity, hidden skepticism, a facade of coolness – all these feelings could be read on the faces of the farmers. Before even a word was spoken the salesman put his hand into the hat and pulled out a heavy paper bag that probably weighed forty pounds. With a practiced sweep he ripped it open, scooped up a handful of small, bluish, glittering, strong smelling, grains, looked triumphantly at the farmers and hummed in a gentle baritone, pregnant with meaning, ‘Gentlemen, we have found the final solution for all your problems…artificial fertilizer!

In this moment the interpreter friend raised his voice in the head of the tenth farmer and murmured insistently, ‘He means: I have found the final solution for my own problems and those of my masters. Fast food for your plants.’

 Nine farmers listened motionlessly, the tenth farmer leaned his head slightly to one side. After a precisely monitored artificial break the salesman continued, ‘A magic potion, the elixir of the new epoch – it doubles the speed of the growing time of your crops, it doubles the size of your crops but does not double your profit, no, it triples it! Yes, with it you can now bring in the harvest twice a year! O yes, it has its price but with these golden prospects you won’t begrudge the few pieces of silver. And on top of that we will solve the problem of hunger in the world with it.’

The interpreter got in touch immediately and whispered into the farmer’s ear what the salesman had said in truth, ‘We have manufactured it, now we want to sell it. And preferably more and more every year. We are not interested in anything else.’

 Nine farmers whispered among themselves, got shiny eyes and rubbed their hands. The tenth farmer however got up and asked to speak. With a calm and firm voice he said, ‘Nature loves us and cares about us, as we are all able to experience every day. Force-feeding and overfeeding of the plants, as you are suggesting here, will lead to inevitable consequences. Nature, in her wisdom, will recognize these over-sized, weak and lifeless fruits as an artificial product, as diseased and disease inducing. She will, in her wisdom and generosity, stand up immediately and defend herself in our name. She will take exact and balanced countermeasures and respond with many plants and small animals. What we call ‘weeds’ and ‘pests’ are meant to counteract your actions and ensure a healthy balance of the soil and in our body and destroy such fruits. Why start a war against nature when we already know the consequences?’

The nine farmers fidgeted uncomfortably on their chairs, embarrassed by the blunt talk of the tenth farmer. The salesman however put on a gentle smile and said, ‘Don’t worry, Sir, we have been aware of that for a long time, we’ve prepared for that.’ Once more he reached deeply into the top hat and pulled out several tins, packets and sprays, their labels displaying few words in bold print but a lot of small print, and on each one of them a skull.

‘With this you’ll destroy in no time any pests and weeds that want to rob you of the fruits of your efforts and investments. Economical to use, cost effective to purchase.’

The interpreter didn’t hesitate for a minute, ‘We create a problem, we make a profit from the problem, we search for a solution, we make a profit from the search for the solution, we fight the symptom, we make a profit from fighting the symptom, we create new problems, we make a profit from the solution of the new problems. A lot of money, a lot of profit!’

 Nine farmers murmured appreciative words faced with this wisdom and foresight, but the tenth farmer said, ‘Agricultural crops grown in that way lack any inner life that the human being needs. Everything is lacking, these crops are not only not food, in the long run they are poison.’ The salesman was obviously well prepared and had only been waiting for these words. He reached into the top hat and pulled out a handful of colorful little tins and boxes. ‘But no problem! The same excellent companies that supply you with the fertilizers and pesticides have done decades of brilliant research work. They have designed wonderful food supplements that counterbalance any deficiencies. And from this a beautiful new order is created. You can keep your prices low, stay competitive and on top of that create some jobs in the chemical industry. That will let you sleep without feeling guilty, won’t it?’

The interpreter went to work and reported the true words of the salesman and his clients, ‘For decades we did brilliant research work and designed food supplements to counterbalance the deficiencies that we created ourselves. Supplements that recreate what we destroyed. Except that they will never recreate it completely, ongoing deficiencies are thus built-in. We know exactly how deficiencies are turned into gold. Our gold, your anesthetic.

 Nine farmers nodded in agreement – and showed some indignation when the tenth farmer addressed them again and asked them to think again. ‘All these pesticides collect in the crops, in the earth, the water, the air, in the animals, in the body of the human being and make us ill. The body is not able to recognize the food supplements, apart from a few exceptions, so the deficiencies remain and make the body fat and addicted in its constant struggle to distil the life substance from the empty fruits.’ The salesman nodded with understanding and pulled a giant sack of colorful boxes of medicines from the top hat and said in a patronizing tone, ‘This is all known and understood, we are prepared for it, Sir. The companies that bring you fertilizers, pesticides and food supplements have not been lazy. They did not spare any trouble or cost and found out through years of expensive research how to deal with all the little aches and pains and the allergies and excess weight. As you can see, we thought of everything.’ His face exuded the joy that somebody experiences who does good work, who blossoms with it and is certain that he benefits mankind.

According to the interpreter these were the true words of the salesman, ‘We make a profit from the destruction, we make a profit from the rebuilding, but we only rebuild partially, so that we are then able to make a profit from the constant repairs. Fighting the symptom is the magic answer.’

 The nine farmers felt this inner power and were satisfied. The tenth farmer said in a quiet but firm voice, ‘Your medicines only cure the symptoms of the disease, nobody gets well with them, and on top of that the side effects are killing us. Why have expensive cures when it is so easy to avoid disease?’

The salesman’s hand had already disappeared into the top hat before the tenth farmer could finish his sentence. ‘Here are the new medicines that keep all the side effects of the old medicines in check and wipe them out – in some cases before they even appear!’ he shouted triumphantly to the assembled group.

The interpreter did not tire to proclaim the true words of the salesman, ‘We make a profit from the destruction, we make a profit from the rebuilding, but we only rebuild partially, so that we are then able to make a profit from the constant repairs.’

Before the tenth farmer could take a breath the salesman reached once more into the top hat and brought out a most delightful small wooden model, painted colorfully and handcrafted with great skill. On the left side it showed a wonderfully diverse landscape of smallholdings, as it once graced our country, and on the right side it showed the land that the salesman had to offer – a before and after model so-to-speak. The before-side was adorned with winding glittering streams, beaming with crabs and fish, edged with trees and shrubs, a joyful quilt of multicolored fields with little forests, clearings, heaps of stones, and hedges etc. A small paradise. The other, the modern, progressive after-side, however, only contained a few big areas, perfectly straight concreted watercourses, asphalt paths, right angles, huge tractors whose weight deeply ploughed into and hurt the field and forest soils; monotony as far as the eye could see.

‘THAT is the wonderful future! Huge areas for fast and easy working, space for large machinery, much higher yields. And by the way, you can recycle your moon calendars. You no longer have to pay attention to the rhythms of nature or the moon, in a few years these will end up in the realm of the old-fashioned and superstitious.’

The interpreter started work immediately and showed the salesman in his true light, ‘We make a profit from the destruction; we make a profit from the rebuilding. The knowledge of the moon rhythms is old hat! The chemical and the agricultural industries can afford to ignore their influence. Because provisions are made for all kinds of damages. This system is fool proof. We make a profit from success; we make a profit from failure.’

And once more he reached into the top hat and pulled out governmental aid grants worth billions and numerous scientific papers that laid out in detail and “proved” the value and thinking behind these operations and changes, like the reparcelling of the agricultural land, redirecting of rivers, and deforesting – without giving anybody a chance to voice doubts, and in a scientific jargon for which unfortunately at that time no interpreter could be found.

Nine farmers sat there with shining eyes – and got angry when the tenth farmer got up to speak again, ‘And what about the unavoidable soil erosion and destruction, the over-acidification that turns fertile land into a desert, and the inevitable floods, the high costs of machinery maintenance, the disaster avoidance and damage reparations, let alone the destruction of the habitats of animals?’

‘No problem,’ the salesman said unflustered, ‘science of course worked hard to be in control of all these things too.’

The interpreter, ‘We create the problem and make a profit from it, we work out a solution and make a profit from it, we delay a true solution as long as possible and make a profit from it.’


Once again he reached into the top hat and pulled out governmental grant promises worth billions and numerous scientific papers that proved the reasoning behind the restoration of the natural beds of the rivers and streams and the removal of the parceling up of the agricultural land, again without letting doubts being voiced and in words that none of the farmers understood.

Additionally the salesman distributed forms for special loan applications that were about half a percent below the one generally available at the time.

The tenth farmer said in a firm voice, ‘If we farm like that we will also destroy the ground water! Where shall clean water come from?’

The salesman laughed out, ‘You don’t really believe that we haven’t found a solution for that, do you? It is simply ingenious and ingeniously simple. After intensive research and study of our statistics we simply raised the limits for toxins in the water. Because we found out that only a few people, especially sensitive people, mostly children, reacted to the minimally contaminated water. Yes, and then there is one more possibility,’ and he pulled out of the top hat a very heavy and complicated device designed for purifying water that could turn any water, after using a lot of energy, into a lifeless and sterile liquid.


The interpreter recited in a by now almost bored voice the true words of the salesman, ‘We create the problem and make a profit from it, we work on the solution and make a profit from it, we delay a true solution as long as possible, and make a profit from it. Nobody needs to know that sterile water is lifeless water.’


The tenth farmer said, ‘This farming method will result in the development of dangerous and resistant bacteria, immune to all pesticides and antibiotics.’

The salesman nodded forbearingly and said magnanimously, ‘I thank you for this objection, but that really is no problem! For this case our genetic researchers have developed wholly new cultivated plants that certainly won’t get any disease, as all research and trial crops have shown. And we guarantee you that you can purchase their seeds from us anew every year.’

The interpreter showed no mercy and said truthfully what the salesman kept silent about, ‘We create a huge problem and make a vast profit from it, we work for decades on the solution and make a vast profit from it, we delay a true solution as long as possible, and make an outrageous profit from it. And the most beautiful: Some damages are irreversible.  It is only THESE that are the basis for continuous profit.’


The tenth farmer, ‘In thirty years at best will it be possible to see the effects of these plants on the environment, the human beings and animals. Nearly all of these plants have been proven to be damaging also for beneficial insects. The bees are already leaving us. Why then take such a risk today?’

The salesman waved him aside, ‘But where is your pioneer spirit that you are known for? No progress without risk. If it works, then the profit is many times higher than using conventional methods, isn’t it?’

The interpreter made short work of the salesman’s words and clarified them, ‘Appeal to their pride and the till keeps ringing.’


The tenth farmer interrupted, ‘It should be left to the individual whether he wants to volunteer as a guinea pig for this experiment.’ The salesman, ‘For heaven’s sake, where is your knowledge of human nature? If that were the case nobody would take part! No, sometimes you have to force people to do what’s best for them. A big advantage by the way is consistent quality!’

       The interpreter repeated the deeper meaning behind the words of the    salesman, ‘Appeal to their pride and the till keeps ringing.’


The tenth farmer remained unflustered, ‘We no longer are able to grow our own seeds as we have done for thousands of years but are forced to buy the hybrid plants again and again.’ The salesman did not turn a hair, ‘That is no problem, dear Sir; the disadvantage is your advantage! First of all you will always get the latest model of our gene factory, we give you this guarantee. Secondly we have of course spoken to our close friends in the banks, who offer favorable loans for temporary emergencies. Your co-operatives and unions are also lined up to support you, that’s what they are there for, aren’t they?’

The interpreter repeated, ‘Appeal to their need for security and the till keeps ringing.’


The tenth farmer, ‘These sterile, unproductive plants are not true foods, because they are infertile, their inner life force has been destroyed. They weaken the human being.’ The salesman shouted, ‘Good thought but not thought through! Thank God we have left the Middle Ages behind and unbiased scientists have revealed this to be baseless.’

The interpreter clarified what the salesman may not have said but meant, ‘For such objections we have our scientists, paid by us, who will without doubt declare this to be superstition, as ordered by us. It’s true that everybody experiences for himself that these studies do not portray the reality, yet what every layman can see and feel doesn’t count in science – and that suits us, not only in this case.’


Without waiting for an answer he reached again into the top hat, ‘And here is the Holy Grail for the brave animal breeders amongst you! No more toil growing your own animal feed – instead concentrated feed, clean silo feed, hen-batteries and power stables.’ Like small little building blocks samples of tiny stable-models tumbled over the table and had the nine farmers amazed and murmuring appreciatively.

The interpreter clarified the words behind the scenes, ‘The salesman means that you should buy this stuff, and thus you’ll have fallen into their trap! For this feed makes the animals sick, it weakens them and on top of that it makes them addicted to his products!’


The tenth farmer did not give up, ‘What effect will that have on the quality of our products, when we work like that? The animals will then have to be tranquilized and treated with a lot of medicines. Who then can still accept responsibility that his meat and milk will be safe? Who pays the doctors’ fees of the consumers? What about the animals and their welfare? These are sentient and intelligent beings! Livestock farming methods which are appropriate for each species are not a luxury but a necessity, if we want to farm humanely.’

The salesman stayed calm. ‘I’ve told you already that we’ve developed excellent medicines against all those complaints. The problem is illusory. You can trust in science unconditionally.’

The interpreter was immediately present and repeated the true thoughts of the salesman’s employer, ‘None of that is worth thinking about compared to the enormous profits and advantages! After all nobody knows that the paralyzing tiredness that befalls people after consuming such non-foods comes from these products. There are plenty of remedies – from the ever-present coffee to various freely available drugs. All of them a marvelous staple creating ongoing profits for the same companies that bring you all these blessings.’


The tenth farmer sighed and said in a quiet voice, ‘I can assure you that none of us will be able to sleep soundly any longer if we are made to become a small cog in this devilish machine! I certainly couldn’t look myself in the mirror in the morning.’

The salesman even had an answer to this and brought forth from the top hat a big pile of glossy brochures and medical insurance advertisements that he handed to the farmers to look at. ‘We have known all that for a long time! And we have made provisions. Here you are, to cheer you up. Too much pessimism is unhealthy after all! It gives you wrinkles!’ And he laughed cheerfully and encouragingly.

The interpreter took an audible breath and started again to explain the words of the salesman, ‘We have made good provisions. Our advertising agencies around the world persuade the consumer, day after day, that sugar is healthy, that your meat is healthy, that white flour and milk powder are healthy, that fertilizers and pesticides are harmless, that gene technology and cloning are great ideas. Although there have been proofs for the opposite for a long time now. And as there are hardly any scientists left who aren’t paid by us, the number of research projects that find out the truth will be very limited and hardly find distribution. And should they succeed after all, they will be labeled annoying and out-dated. You will have to look hard in this climate of extensive and intensive information politics to find somebody who is not impressed by it! Yes, and concerning your pangs of conscience, we have the EU, the farmers’ unions and the medical insurers on our side. Not only do they pay for the physical damages resulting from the use of the pesticides and the consumption of your own products, they also pay for gentle persuasion, to help you take your mind off these things.’


The nine farmers were satisfied, but the tenth took a deep breath, ‘That’s unconditional dependence that you want us to submit to, darkest slavery.

Dependence on the banks, on the politicians, who have never even visited a farm, on scientists, on the pharmaceutical industry, on governmental grants, on the producers of seeds, on mechanical engineering companies, on subsidies, on pension payments, on medical insurers, on veterinary surgeons, on psychotherapists who have to calm our conscience. Nobody will any longer be his own master.’

The salesman lowered his gaze. ‘Why do you paint everything black? We see security and progress. I see integration, globalization and joyful togetherness for the benefit of everyone. Everybody will be looking after you and care for your well-being. After all you are looking after our daily bread in return, and to top it all you will secure numerous jobs!’

The interpreter spoke for a last time to bring to light the salesman’s hidden intentions. ‘Yes, okay, you are right. But who cares? Apart from that we need sugar, white flour and milk powder in order to send the worthless stuff to the developing countries and cement their physical and spiritual dependence. Otherwise everything would be much more expensive in our countries!’


The salesman spoke the last sentence movingly with a little tremor in his voice, so that the nine farmers felt very flattered. For it was they who would keep alive this wonderful cycle, this system of producing constipating-bloating- filling food, money and jobs. They felt proud.

After the salesman composed himself once more, he reached into the top hat for a last time and pulled out a small flute. He started to play it quietly – and following the melody and rhythm of an ancient song the farmers stood up one by one and followed the salesman. They had “decided voluntarily” to follow him, every one of them according to his own special motive.

One liked the idea to be finally able to be seen as “progressive” and not only as an “ignorant farmer”.

The second one was moved by greed for money and possessions und subsidies, for he had heard that you could even get paid for doing nothing and leaving your fields lie fallow.

The third farmer didn’t want to confess that he hardly understood any of the salesman’s gibberish. He joined in because the majority was always right.

The fourth farmer had to feed a big family. He was motivated by the fear that his farm might founder and the word “dependence” sounded in his ears more like a promise than a threat.

The fifth farmer had wanted to prove to the entire world, most of all to his parents, that he was “good for something”. Self doubt brought him into the arms of the salesman.

The sixth farmer trusted blindly in any form of “scientific knowledge” and had already given up as a child to listen to the inner voice that could save us all.

The seventh farmer let himself be impressed by the authoritarian self-confident manner of the salesman. Whoever had the courage to put on this show couldn’t be wrong.

The eighth farmer followed the salesman, because he worried that he would be left standing alone, and the questions of the tenth farmer seemed to him too cheeky and lacking respect that he could imagine to choose someone like him as a travel companion.

The ninth farmer followed the salesman because the sound of the flute enchanted him completely. He thought to himself, ‘How very beautiful. Anybody making music like that is worthy of my trust, for only a good soul expresses itself through music.’

The tenth farmer stayed on his chair and watched pensively as the other nine famers and the salesman left. Then he got up and returned to his farm, and continued to practice his golden craft according to natural methods. Growing fruits and vegetables that carried all the power of healthy earth within themselves. True food for life, keeping the human beings healthy and making them healthy. Supported by the positive thoughts of the people who valued his work – the ten families in the valley who had decided to get their supplies solely from him. ‘And if the world would end tomorrow, I would still plant a tree today.’

Dear Reader, do you want to help the tenth farmer? Nothing, absolutely nothing, is easier than that. For with every decision in daily life what to serve on your plates at home you either help the tenth farmer and make sure that there will be farmers like him around in future. Or you decide upon another future, the harbingers of which we read about every day in the newspapers. And since a long time we have had to experience ourselves. This is how the alternatives look. It’s up to you.