A New Day, A New Year, A new Blog

Friends, let us begin this Blog with a special something – an information to help build not only this Happy New Year 2012 but many Happy New Years in the future for all of us. When our first book The Art of Timing was published in 1991, at first it was received with some degree of ridicule, but Johanna persevered in countless lectures to present this knowledge as a treasure of viable alternatives in many walks and areas of life.

Want to see a movie now? http://youtu.be/dWNr3lOJXS0  is a German TV documentary providing you with a lively picture of our background. If Johanna’s home reminds you of “The Sound of Music” you’re not far off…

For example many courageous farmers simply tried part of the knowledge on small patches of their gardens. The result: The number of farmers converting from industrial to organic rose tenfold in the space of eight years in Germany and Austria. As it turned out among the many factors behind this growth to touch upon the following fact was essential.


Imagine a family moving into a residential home with a garden backyard. On a whim these good and “green-minded” people decide that a space of say ten by ten feet should remain “wild” and whatever grows there can stay, the soil will not be artificially fertilised or sprayed.

 Nature then proceeds to bring on a very specific diversity of herbs and plants. Exactly which herbs these are depends also on who is living in the house and which plants its inhabitants need for their well-being, and for the prevention, relief and healing of any illnesses that may arise. If one of the inhabitants has a physical weak point or develops a particular illness, the corresponding healing herb will appear, simultaneously, or sometimes even a short while beforehand – as if out of the blue.

Imagine now that after a while this family moves on and another follows to live there. The nature and composition of the herbs in these ten by ten feet of wilderness will change and adapt to the health requirements of the new inhabitants, without any direct intervention on their part.


This is so.

What does that tell us?

Meditate a little about this info. Let it sink in. What does it signify? What language does nature speak here?

One thing is for sure: To befriend nature is infinitely more rewarding than to subjugate it. To study it in her wholeness and beauty is infinitely more rewarding than to rip her apart into her elements, “active ingredients” and genes, based on the conviction to thus be able to unlock her secrets. It would entirely be enough just to watch her and accept her gifts. Ours is the decision not to follow that course and follow the “experts” instead. Not ours is the decision to suffer the consequences.

What then is the good sense and meaning of a lunar calendar and its many applications we have written about all these years? (For example also here)

It really is nothing but a marvelous tool to be able to recognize and predict the subtle interactions in the friendly ebb and flow of natural rhythms. The lunar calendar and the natural guidelines and laws it helps to decipher and apply are really nothing but our extended hand to be able to accept natures gifts in their entirety and abundance – her healing herbs and nourishing plants, her successful timing for planting and caring and healing at the right time, her right time for an abundant harvest, long-keeping without any chemicals. The lunar calendar is like a three-dimensional, multicolored clock. Her hands show us how nature, her superior, prefers to be treated – in soil preparing and in sowing as well as in caring, harvest, post-treatment, and resting time before the next developmental circle. With the lunar calendar your caress nature until she purrs und serves us so much more readily. We wish you much joy when beginning to accept this gift.

4 responses to “A New Day, A New Year, A new Blog

  1. Thank you Thomas and Johanna for sharing your experiences and vital knowledge which can only prove to serve us well.

  2. “To befriend nature is infinitely more rewarding than to subjugate it.”

    Beautifully said!

    Like mindless children how long are we going to charge ahead leaving devastation in our trail?

    All great changes must begin with an awakening followed by a more inclusive awareness of how Nature that sustains us also needs us to take notice and appreciate, so we can honor and give back.

    Thank you Johanna and Thomas for being pioneers in guiding and reminding us toward this better and more inclusive awareness!

    My prayers and hope for the New Year includes: Let us all heal from our obsession with sterile, chemically enforced green lawns and allow Nature to plant Her wildly beautiful flowers not only in our backyards but in our hearts and minds as well: To speed our ways to recovery and quicken our awakening.

  3. Wishing you extraordinary success with passing on more of your knowledge and work! I cordially invite you to come to our farm in 2012 to teach. Last year we accomodated 45 people on a “ginseng tour” for the International Master Gardeners Conference, held in Charleston, WV. They had a ball, learning also about the Art of Timing and the role the moon plays on our farm. I have used and applied the knowledge you share for decades now, since your first book came out. Not only am I truly enjoying my cooperation with nature, it also leads to products of high vibrational energy, and people notice and are telling us so! I’m therefore much indebted to you sharing your knowledge, and have been teaching moon classes myself for a few years, and it’s catching on now! It would be a great honor indeed to have you here in 2012 … Come on down to wild and wonderful West Virginia!

  4. I’m now in the middle of reading “The Code”. Captivating. Little by little I see how my life unfolded, and is unfolding, with the help of this book. So simple and yet I had no idea. It appears that everything I need in life is right in front of my eyes and could not see. Your guidance sparking gradual awakenings within are very nurturing to my soul. Thank you. xo

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